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Fantasy Football Factor
Fuzzys Fantasy Football are proud participants at
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Fuzzy's Fantasy Football League Rules

Cost »
Payouts »
Lineups »
Joining a League (Snake draft vs. Auction draft vs. Slow draft) »
Scoring / Live Scoring »
Submitting Weekly Lineups »
Blind Bidding & Free Agency »
Trades »
Best Ball Leagues »
Keeper Leagues »
Standings, Victory Points (VP) & Playoff Seeding »
Tie-Breakers »
Schedules »
Draft Room (Live Draft) »
E-mail Draft (Slow Draft) »
Messages »
Weekly Fantasy Leagues »
Playoff Fantasy Football »
Legal Disclaimers and Eligibility »

Choose from $25, $50, $75, $100, $150, $250, $500, $1,000 & $1,500 leagues.
There are no in-season transaction fees or hidden charges.
The league you join is the total cost for the year plus a minimal $2.95 league management fee per user per league.
League Management includes the time spent managing the leagues including scheduling, trade approvals, live scoring updates, free agent market, player database management and other management duties.
FFF spends countless hours in providing a fun, fair atmosphere with prompt customer service and the league management fee is used so we can continue to provide the service expected as FFF continues to expand and incur additional, rising costs of conducting business throughout the years.
We do have a no refund policy once you join a league but if you cannot attend the draft and want to switch leagues, simply contact us and you will be able to switch into any other available league. If for any reason, a refund is requested, a 10% charge will be deducted from the original league fee.

The percentage of payouts increase as the value of each league increases. We offer $25 leagues with payouts so there is no reason to pay $15 for a free league when you can join a money league for as little as $25! Join a higher priced league and win BIG! Win 8, 9 even 10 times the original cost of the league!

---> Every league pays the total points winner. This is decided by the regular season points leader after 14 games.

---> Win the Fantasy Bowl and be the total points winner, you receive 2 cash prizes.

---> If you had the best regular season but run into a string of horrible luck and don't make the playoffs or lose early in the playoffs, you at least get a cash prize for being the total points winner!

Championship Payout, Top 3 Payout & Final Four Payout Leagues
In the Payout column in the leagues section, you will see either 2, 3 or 4.
Each format pays out the same percentage but differently for each place and for the total points leader.

The Championship Payout Leagues (2 Payout) pays the 2 owners that participate in the week 17 fantasy bowl and the regular season points leader.

The Top 3 Payout Leagues (3 Payout) pays the 2 owners that participate in the week 17 fantasy bowl and the 3rd place owner that wins week 17 in the consolation bowl (the consolation bowl consists of the 2 owners that lost in week 16). The regular season points leader also receives a payout.

The Final Four Payout Leagues (4 Payout) pays the 4 owners that make it to the semi-finals (weeks 16 & 17) and the regular season points leader.

You MUST go to your league homepage to claim any payout once the season ends.
Prizes will be sent by check and mailed within a month following the Fantasy Bowl. (by late January)
All checks will be sent at the same time regardless of when you claim your payout.


$25 Leagues
 $25 Leagues Championship Payout Leagues   Top 3 Payout Leagues   Final Four Payout Leagues
$25 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams
Fantasy Bowl champion $100 $125 $150   $90 $100 $115   $70 $80 $90
Fantasy Bowl runner-up $25 $30 $30   $25 $40 $50   $30 $40 $50
Total points winner $25 $25 $30   $20 $20 $25   $25 $30 $35
3rd place         $15 $20 $20   $15 $20 $25
4th place                 $10 $10 $10

$50 Leagues
 $50 Leagues Championship Payout Leagues   Top 3 Payout Leagues   Final Four Payout Leagues
$50 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams
Fantasy Bowl champion $250 $300 $350   $200 $250 $300   $150 $175 $200
Fantasy Bowl runner-up $65 $75 $90   $75 $100 $125   $100 $115 $135
Total points winner $60 $75 $85   $50 $50 $50   $50 $60 $70
3rd place         $50 $50 $50   $45 $60 $70
4th place                 $30 $40 $50

$75 Leagues
 $75 Leagues Championship Payout Leagues   Top 3 Payout Leagues   Final Four Payout Leagues
$75 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams
Fantasy Bowl champion $400 $475 $550   $300 $375 $450   $230 $280 $325
Fantasy Bowl runner-up $90 $115 $135   $130 $175 $215   $150 $180 $210
Total points winner $90 $110 $130   $75 $75 $75   $75 $90 $105
3rd place         $75 $75 $75   $75 $90 $105
4th place                 $50 $60 $70

$100 Leagues
 $100 Leagues Championship Payout Leagues   Top 3 Payout Leagues   Final Four Payout Leagues
$100 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams
Fantasy Bowl champion $550 $650 $750   $425 $525 $625   $325 $375 $425
Fantasy Bowl runner-up $125 $155 $185   $175 $235 $295   $210 $250 $295
Total points winner $125 $155 $185   $100 $100 $100   $100 $125 $150
3rd place         $100 $100 $100   $100 $125 $150
4th place                 $65 $85 $100

$150 Leagues
 $150 Leagues Championship Payout Leagues   Top 3 Payout Leagues   Final Four Payout Leagues
$150 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams
Fantasy Bowl champion $825 $1000 $1175   $640 $800 $950   $500 $575 $650
Fantasy Bowl runner-up $210 $245 $280   $300 $385 $485   $325 $385 $445
Total points winner $205 $240 $280   $150 $150 $150   $155 $200 $245
3rd place         $150 $150 $150   $155 $200 $245
4th place                 $105 $125 $150

$250 Leagues
 $250 Leagues Championship Payout Leagues   Top 3 Payout Leagues   Final Four Payout Leagues
$250 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams
Fantasy Bowl champion $1425 $1700 $1975   $1100 $1400 $1700   $825 $1000 $1150
Fantasy Bowl runner-up $350 $425 $500   $525 $650 $775   $550 $665 $775
Total points winner $350 $425 $500   $250 $250 $250   $275 $330 $400
3rd place         $250 $250 $250   $275 $330 $400
4th place                 $200 $225 $250

$500 Leagues
 $500 Leagues Championship Payout Leagues   Top 3 Payout Leagues   Final Four Payout Leagues
$500 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams
Fantasy Bowl champion $3000 $3600 $4200   $2500 $3000 $3500   $1850 $2250 $2650
Fantasy Bowl runner-up $750 $900 $1050   $1000 $1400 $1800   $1075 $1250 $1440
Total points winner $750 $900 $1050   $500 $500 $500   $585 $700 $815
3rd place         $500 $500 $500   $585 $700 $815
4th place                 $405 $500 $580

$1,000 Leagues
 $1,000 Leagues Championship Payout Leagues   Top 3 Payout Leagues   Final Four Payout Leagues
$1,000 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams
Fantasy Bowl champion $6250 $7500 $8750   $5250 $6250 $7500   $4500 $5000 $5500
Fantasy Bowl runner-up $1500 $1800 $2100   $2000 $2850 $3450   $2250 $2500 $2750
Total points winner $1500 $1800 $2100   $1000 $1000 $1000   $1200 $1500 $1750
3rd place         $1000 $1000 $1000   $800 $1250 $1750
4th place                 $500 $850 $1200

$1,500 Leagues
 $1,500 Leagues Championship Payout Leagues   Top 3 Payout Leagues   Final Four Payout Leagues
$1,500 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams   10 teams 12 teams 14 teams
Fantasy Bowl champion $9250 $10500 $12000   $8000 $9500 $11250   $7000 $8000 $9000
Fantasy Bowl runner-up $2500 $3300 $4000   $2950 $4250 $5300   $3500 $4000 $4500
Total points winner $2200 $2950 $3550   $1500 $1500 $1500   $1725 $2000 $2250
3rd place         $1500 $1500 $1500   $1000 $1700 $2200
4th place                 $725 $1050 $1600


Public Leagues:
Choose from 5 starting lineup options - No Flex, Flex 9, 2 Flex 9, Flex 10 or Super Flex:
No position limits - draft as many players as you want at each position!
No Flex   Flex 9   2 Flex 9   Flex 10   Super Flex
Roster Size=18   Roster Size=18   Roster Size=18   Roster Size=20   Roster Size=20
QB   QB   QB   QB   QB
RB   RB   RB   RB   QB/RB
RB   RB   WR   RB   RB
WR   WR   RB/WR/TE   WR   WR
WR   WR   RB/WR/TE   WR   WR
TE   TE   TE   WR   WR/TE
K   K   K   TE   TE
D   D   D   K   K
      D   D

You are responsible for fielding the most competitive team possible from the draft to the end of the season. This includes submitting starting lineups and roster management. Failure to do so and/or purposely dropping better fantasy performers for players that are not fantasy relevant could lead to the cancellation of your membership at member's expense. FFF reserves the right to submit a lineup for a member that is purposely attempting to submit a lineup to lose to their opponent.

Private Leagues:
Rosters = 18 players (No position limits - draft as many players as you want at each position)
Starters = 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 players
When requesting a private league, you will be given the option to choose your own starting lineups.

Custom Leagues:
Our software accommodates custom leagues that draft anywhere from 15 to 22 players and allows starting flexible lineups from 8 to 12 players.

Joining a League (Snake draft vs. Auction draft vs. Slow draft)
Here are some options to consider when joining a league:
Live Draft (Snake & Auction) vs. Slow Draft (E-mail Draft)
- Live drafts - schedule a draft when you are available.
- Live drafts typically take around 2 hours. Auction style may take longer.
- Live drafts allow you to view players by FFF rank and alphabetically.
- Slow drafts show alphabetical view only. Some request to draft without FFF preset ranking of players as it may require more skill to draft.
- Slow drafts allow more flexibility for those who can't draft at a certain day and time while others like the fast-paced draft of a live draft.
- Slow drafts allow 8 hours per pick.

Snake vs. Auction LIVE DRAFTS
- The only difference between these leagues is the method in which you draft.
Once the draft is complete, the league is run exactly the same.

- SNAKE Drafts - aka Serpentine Drafts:
- Once you join the league, find out your random draft position.
- Draft order will reverse every other round. If you pick 1st in round one, you will pick last in round 2 on so on.
- You have 2 minutes to select a player for the real drafts (1 minute for mocks).

- AUCTION Drafts:
- You have a $200 budget to build your roster of 18 players.
- Each team will take turns to nominate players.
- Once a player is nominated, every team has an equal chance of bidding for the player.
- A player will go up to bid for the default setting of $1. You can change the amount of the nomination when it is your turn to nominate.
- You have 25 seconds to nominate a player.
- The clock resets to 25 seconds to start bidding on the player.
- Bids are in increments of $1 or greater. You can type in a higher bid if you choose.
- Once the clock has fewer than 10 seconds and a bid is made it resets to 10 seconds.
- Once the clock reaches zero, the last bidder (which is the highest bid) receives the player.
- Max Bid is the most you can bid on a current player up for bid.
NOTE: It is imperative to attend an auction draft. If you do not attend you will only get $1 players and likely not be competitive.

Other league options:
10, 12 or 14 team leagues
PPR (point per reception) and 1/2 PPR leagues
Victory Points leagues
Championship, Top 3 or a Playoff Payout league

If you don't see a league that you like, you may request a league and invite friends to form a private league.

All leagues are listed in Eastern Standard Time.

After you sign up and pay for a league, you will find out your random draft position for the serpentine (SNAKE) style draft.

Swap draft positions (Snake & Slow drafts only):
You may request to swap an entire draft position with another owner.
Both teams must agree to this at least 6 hours before the draft is set to begin.
This is to swap the entire draft position and not individual picks.
You cannot swap individual picks at any time or players during a draft.
As with all the other rules at FFF - these rules are in place to prevent owners that may know each other to "help" each other out or make one of the teams stronger at the expense of another team.


What if a league doesn't fill?
Most leagues fill. We have over a 98% success rate of filling leagues as scheduled!
Even if a few days before draft time (and sometimes even a few hours or even minutes!) a league isn't close to filling, it'll likely fill. FFF will inform you in advance if it appears a league may have trouble filling and give you the option to draft at a later date in the same league or to move to another league of your choice. If no options remain, then your FFF account will be credited.

Why do you ask for all the information when registering?
If you are registering, you are most likely interested in joining a league. If you join a league, you have a great chance of receiving a payout and we will need the info to send your winnings. Don't worry, the only time we use your registration information is to send you your winnings. We do not sell your information or spam you in any way.

Why am I not receiving emails when expected?
Yahoo, AOL, AIM and Verizon users - Unfortunately, Yahoo controls when and if mail from FFF is sent. Even if you send a message to FFF email, Yahoo may not send the reply that is sent. They also block or send to spam mailers regarding trades, messages, slow draft picks and anything else that you might expect a response. We STRONGLY recommend using a different email provider other than Yahoo, AOL, AIM and Verizon.

I paid for my team but I didn't get to enter my team name?
This occurs if your browser settings is not set to refresh a page upon each time the page is visited or if your session timed out. Go back to the league you joined and click "Join League" again. You should now see the page to enter your team name. If not, you need to refresh your browser by pressing the F5 key.

How can I send a message to another league member?
Go to the "Message Board / Messages" page in your league and use the drop-down box to select the owner in which you want to send a message.

How can I change my team name?
You can submit a request to change your team name by using the "Submit Lineup" link for the league in which you are requesting the change or by going to your team page (after the draft) or your league page (prior to draft). You will see a link "Change Team Name" to fill out the request.

Something came up and can't draft. What are my options?
We'll be happy to switch you to another league that works for you if enough notice is given to fill the league. You will be switched at your current draft position if available. If not available, you will be transferred to the nearest lower draft position.

How is an abandoned team handled?
FFF will review on a weekly basis the last logins of league members. If a member has not logged on for at least 10 days, the team is taken over by the computer and a lineup is submitted on time.
If you notice that a team may have been abondoned and a lineup is not submitted before the 1st game of that week, send a message from your league by clicking on: Message Board/Messages > Send a Private Message to Site Administrator

How is a team that is purposely trying to lose or dropping good players for lesser players handled?
Send a message to admin immediately. We'll take care of this. FFF reserves the right to deactivate any member or limit their ability to manage (or mismanage) their team if member is purposely trying to sabotage a league at member's expense .


Public Leagues:


All touchdowns scored by Pass, Rush, or Reception by any member of your starting lineup is 6 points. Offensive fumble returns for TD's and punt or kickoff returns by an individual player are NOT scored in public leagues.

1 point every 25 yards passing (.04 points for each yard passing rounded to nearest tenth)
-2 points for an interception
1 point per reception (0.5 point per reception for 1/2 point reception league)
1 point every 10 yards rushing or receiving (.1 point for each yard rushing or receiving)
2 points for a 2 point conversion
-2 points for fumbles lost (any fumble lost on any play of the game including special teams)
3 points for FG up to 39 yards
4 points for FG 40-49 yards
5 points for FG 50-59 yards
6 points for 60+ FG
1 point for each extra point

Defense/Special Teams
6 points for all TD's for defense & special team (kickoff & punt returns) scores
6 points for blocked kick returned for TD
1 point for a sack
2 points for an interception
2 points for a fumble recovery
2 points for a blocked kick
2 points for a safety
10 points for shutout or held to 2 points
7 points if held from 3-6 points
4 points if held from 7-12 points
2 points if held from 13-16 points
1 points if held from 17-20 points
0 points if held from 21-28 points
-1 point if give up 29-34 points
-3 points if give up 35+ points

New 2016: Points Allowed (only those points allowed while your DEFENSE or SPECIAL TEAMS is on the field). Example, if an offensive team is on the field and throws a pick 6 that will not count against the defense scoring.

Private and Custom Leagues:
Private and Custom Leagues have many choices to customize scoring. You may see the scoring options for these leagues by requesting a league and looking at the option boxes.

Live Scoring -
The live scoring page will automatically refresh every 1/2 minute.
Live scoring is a great feature to follow your fantasy game! Actual results though will be confirmed after a review of all the stats.
A preliminary stat review will be done after the games are complete and officially reviewed again on Monday.
Actual results will be posted after the Monday night game by going to the "Weekly Results" page but stats may change as the NFL reviews stats during the week. Changes may occur until the following Saturday.

Submitting Weekly Lineups
Players are locked 5 minutes before their games begin.
You may adjust your lineup at anytime before the deadline for each players game.

***IMPORTANT*** The software will generate your previous week's lineup on Thursdays at 10am ET if you did not previously submit a lineup. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CHANGE YOUR LINEUP BEFORE THURSDAY NIGHT'S GAME IF YOU DO NOT WANT THE THURSDAY PLAYER(S) IN YOUR LINEUP.

As always, only the players from the early games are locked so you can adjust the remainder of your lineup until each game's deadline.

FFF encourages you to submit a lineup before Thursday games this year to avoid any possibility of not submitting your desired lineup.

You are responsible for fielding the most competitive team possible from the draft to the end of the season. This includes submitting starting lineups and roster management. Failure to do so and/or purposely dropping better fantasy performers for players that are not fantasy relevant could lead to the cancellation of your membership at member's expense. FFF reserves the right to submit a lineup for a member that is purposely attempting to submit a lineup to lose to their opponent.

Blind Bidding & Free Agency
FFF uses Blind Bidding - the fairest and most intriguing method in fantasy football.
All teams receive $1,000 for the year in Bidding Bucks (not real money).
Blind Bidding starts after the 1st week of games are played and continues throughout the season including playoffs - so you should spend wisely.

Blind Bidding starts Tuesday 8AM EST and ends Thursday 9AM EST. (NEW TIME FOR 2016)
Once the Blind Bidding is over you still may pick up a player in what becomes a 1st come, 1st serve process that stays in effect until 5 minutes before each player's game-time.
NOTE: Free agency will begin at approximately 10am EST Thursday after the blind bidding is complete. This is an approximate time and not an exact time.

Free agents are locked from each players gametime until the following blind bidding process begins.
Free agents are available for pick-up after your draft and before the season begins.
Any dropped players in the preseason will not become available until the first regular season week of blind bidding.

How Blind Bidding works:
  • The team that bids the highest for a player will get him. Since this is a blind bidding process, no one knows what the others are bidding.
  • Bid minimum is $1.
  • If you win the bid at $55, and the next highest bid was $18, you still pay $55 for your player.
  • If there is a tie bid, the player is awarded to the team with the worst record. 2nd tie-breaker is lowest total points, final tiebreak is whoever entered the league 1st.
  • The software will guide you through the process of bidding on players.
  • You are allowed to bid on multiple players for different bidding buck values for each player you would like to drop.
  • To bid on multiple players for each player dropped, you will rank your preference of which players you most would like on your roster. Your 1st preference will be considered first. If someone outbids you, your 2nd preference is then considered and so on...
  • You must have enough bidding bucks to bid on players. You will not be allowed to bid more than you have.
  • When a player is cut by an owner, that player will not become available again until the next Blind Bidding process. This will alleviate any problems with someone purposely dropping a player for a buddy who amazingly picks the player up that was just cut 5 minutes ago.
IMPORTANT - It is the owner's responsibility to reset your starting lineup once you acquire your new player(s).

1st come, 1st serve:
  • You may pick up as many free agent players that you would like once the Blind Bidding process is over and before the free agent's game is played that week.
  • The cost is $10 bidding bucks (NOT REAL MONEY) for any free agent not picked up during the Blind Bidding process.
Weekly trading deadline is Friday 11PM EST.
Season trading deadline is Friday 11PM EST before week 9, November 3, 2023
All trades have a minimum 24 hour approval process (see below).
Trades may not be approved until late on Saturday night. Any player approved in a trade will be eligible to start the same week as long as the game has not been played yet. You will need to adjust your lineup accordingly.
It is the owner's responsibility to reset your starting lineup once a trade has been approved.

*** IMPORTANT *** Due to the addition of Thursday games each week, trades involving ANY player (starter or bench) in Thursday games must be agreed upon and submitted for approval by Tuesday night, 11pm ET in order for the trade to be approved for that week. All trades not agreed upon by this deadline that has ANY player in the Thursday games will be deleted. The trade can be proposed again the following week.

Trades that have not been accepted or rejected before the deadline will be deleted. This will alleviate any issues of owners receiving offers but not responding and waiting until the opportunity to jump on the trade once they see it benefits them due to a players injury status changing.

If you proposed a trade to someone and it gets deleted at deadline, you could propose the same trade again the following week.

A trade will not be approved if any players involved in the trade are injured, suspended or any other reason that may keep them out a signifiacnt amount of time after the trade was proposed.

All trades will be reviewed and must be approved. An e-mail will be sent to all members of the league when a trade has been accepted. Any member of a league may protest the trade during a 24 hour period. If there is no protest and FFF believes the trade is fair, the trade is allowed.

If a trade is protested, the owner protesting the trade MUST GIVE A VALID REASON why they think the trade cannot help one of the teams or show signs of collusion for the veto to be considered. A valid veto is a veto explained in detail how a trade cannot benefit one of the trading teams. If FFF agrees or is able to see the side of the protestor, FFF will then ask either both owners or just the owner perceived to be getting the lesser end of the deal their reasoning for the trade. If FFF is satisfied that the trade is fair, the trade will stand. If FFF is not satisfied with the answers, FFF can reject the trade and will ask the parties to try and work another deal that would be fair.

- One or two words how a trade is dumb is NOT a valid explanation.
- The number of vetoes for a trade does not matter. There could be one veto or 5 vetoes and the trade may or may not be approved.
- One team is getting the better of the deal is NOT a valid explanation. The purpose of a trade is to make your team better. If a team has surplus at one position - kudos to them, they drafted well and now have excess to trade in one position to improve another. That is THE key aspect in trading. You don't condemn a trade because someone had a good draft.

1) Collusion - an obvious attempt between 2 owners that know each other to improve one team at the expense of the other team.
2) The trade cannot in any way be beneficial to one of the trading teams.
3) There is a valid veto and when the owner who is perceived to be getting the short end of deal is asked to explain why they believe the trade helps their team, the owner replies that it doesn't or has an invalid explanation.
4) Dumping of players from a non-contender to a contending team. This typically would happen near the trading deadline.
5) There is a pending trade and one of the players playing status (injury or suspension) has changed significantly.
6) Trading partners - 2 teams attempt to trade to help each other cover bye weeks & short-term injuries or the same two teams attempt to trade with each other multiple times within a few weeks whereas a previous agreeement might have been in place to trade at a later date.
7) The trade will not improve one team because they are trading away significantly more than they are receiving from the other owner.
8) The trade is significantly benefiting one team more than the other.
9) One of the teams has a poor record and is trading away similar or better players than they are receiving to a team with a better record. An 0-8, 0-7, 0-6, 0-5, 1-7, 1-6, 1-5, 2-6 and similar records are considered poor records.
10) There is more than one pending trade involving the same player and the original trade is quite "unequal". Another team comes in and offers a more balanced trade. All trades involving the same player will be thrown out.
11) Once a trade has been submitted to admin for approval, any players involved in that trade cannot be offered in trade again if the original trade was not approved. In other words, a pending trade is vetoed and one of the owners of that pending trade attempts to trade the same player(s) to a different owner. All trades will subsequently be declined since you cannot "shop" trades once a trade has been submitted for approval.
12) A trade involves a player in a Thursday game and the deadline to make the trade for the week has passed (see above rules in trading section).
13) Draft room trades are not allowed

As you can see from the above rules, FFF takes trading seriously. Our #1 priority is to prevent any collusion from occuring. Most trades are approved but some will not. Rejected trades are more likely to happen closer to the trade deadline as some owners are looking to take advantage of struggling teams. Due to the delay of processing trades, it is best to offer trades early in the week to give the most time possible for review of trades and adjusting your lineup.

Best Ball Leagues
Best Ball leagues are a best ball format geared towards members that like to draft but don't have the time to manage a team or manage any additional teams for the full fantasy season.
Leagues will run through week 17 of the NFL regular season.
You will use the live draft room or slow draft for a 24 round draft.
It is up to you how many players you draft for each position.
You will not submit a lineup. Your best lineup will be calculated each week after all the NFL games are complete.
Your best lineup each week will use the following: QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, TE, Flex (RB, WR or TE), D.
Payouts will be paid to the top 2 (10 team leagues) or 3 teams (12 team leagues) based on total points for the entire season.
There are no head-to-head matchups and no playoffs.
Trades are not permitted.
There will be no blind bidding and almost no free agency:
Up to 5 roster changes per season! You will have the opportunity, if necessary, to make a maximum of 5 roster changes. The player must be placed on IR, released by NFL team or suspended in order to replace the player. You will only be able to replace the player with another player that is on the same NFL team and same position as the injured player. The player in which you are acquiring cannot be on another owner's roster.
Using 2017 for an example, Dalvin Cook was placed on IR after week 4. If Jerick McKinnon was not drafted by another team, then he would have been eligible to be picked up to replace Cook.
To replace an injured, cut or suspended player, select the "Replace Player" link on your league's owner page. Requests must be made prior to the start of the player's game for that week.
NOTE: Once you replace a player you cannot get the player back. Payouts are higher than regular season leagues.
Live Best Ball Leagues will draft with 6 or more teams.
Best Ball League Payouts - 10 team leagues
Leagues                   $10 $10 $20 $20 $50 $50 $100 $250
Live Draft Slow Draft Live Draft Slow Draft Live Draft Slow Draft Live Draft Live Draft
1st place $55 $60 $115 $125 $270 $280 $550 $1460
2nd place $20 $20 $40 $40 $130 $140 $275 $728

Best Ball League Payouts - 12 team leagues
Leagues                   $10 $10 $20 $20 $50 $50 $100 $250
Live Draft Slow Draft Live Draft Slow Draft Live Draft Slow Draft Live Draft Live Draft
1st place $60 $70 $130 $140 $270 $280 $560 $1500
2nd place $20 $20 $40 $40 $140 $150 $285 $750
3rd place $10 $10 $20 $20 $70 $75 $145 $375

Keeper Leagues
Keeper leagues use an e-mail draft system. You draft using a draft room to select players and an e-mail is sent notifying when a selection has been made. Predrafting is available for each round.

  • Each team may keep 0 to 3 players each year.
  • Players drafted in round 1 the previous year cannot be a keeper.
  • Players can be kept as long as you have the draft pick to protect him.
  • For each player you keep, you must give up a draft pick 1 round higher than the player's draft position the year before. Ex. If you draft a player in the 4th round this year, you will use your 3rd round pick to protect him next year.
  • Free Agents from the previous year will be protected as an 8th round pick the first year that he is protected. A Free Agent is then treated as any other player and will need to be protected one round higher each year.
  • Any player dropped and picked up at a later time will be kept the following year at the player's highest price tag. Example - Peyton Manning: if he was drafted this year in round 4 then he is a 3rd round keeper next year. Whether he is kept on the same roster for the entire year or released and picked up by another team he would need to be protected at his original draft position. If a player that was drafted lower than the 8th round is dropped and picked up again, the player will still be designated for an 8th round pick.
  • If you are keeping 2 players that would use the same round to protect them, you still may protect them both but you will need to use a draft pick 2 spots higher for the 2nd player. Ex. You kept a player with a 5th round pick the previous year and you traded for a player that also was protected in the 5th round the previous year. To protect that or released and picked up by another team he would need to be protected at his original draft position.
  • Traded players keep their value from the previous owner
  • Future Draft picks cannot be traded.
  • Keepers must be submitted 24 hours prior to the draft.
  • Returning owners must reserve their team by July 1st.
  • Returning owners must make payment by July 15th.
Keeper League Trading:
Keeper league trading follows the same rules as public league trading except for that near the end of the trading deadline, many teams that have no chance at making the playoffs will try to trade for future keeper prospects.

Trading top current performers for keeper prospects is allowed and considered part of the game. Playoff contenders will be looking to trade with a non-playoff teams giving up their future keepers to improve their chance for the current year. Some of the trades may sound unfair but to a non-playoff team, getting a future keeper who can be kept for a low draft pick next year is well worth giving up a top player that would have to be protected with an early pick. These types of trades do happen and if you want to join a keeper league you must be aware of this.
  • Traded players keep their keeper status from the previous owner and will require to be kept one round higher than drafted the previous year.
  • Future Draft picks cannot be traded.

  • Standings, Victory Points & Playoff Seeding
    All leagues have 6 playoff teams and 14 Regular Season weeks.
    The division winners and the next best records regardless of division will make the playoffs.
    See below for tiebreak procedures and Victory Point league determinations.

    10 team leagues:

    Week 15
    - The 2 division winners will be seeded #1 & #2 and receive a bye
    - Wildcard teams - seed #3 vs. seed #6 and seed #4 vs. seed #5

    Week 16
    - Best division winner #1 seed vs. lower seeded winner from week 14
    - Worst division winner #2 seed vs. higher seeded winner from week 14

    Week 17
    - Fantasy Bowl Championship features the winners from week 15

    12 & 14 team leagues:

    Week 15
    - The top 2 division winners will be seeded #1 & #2 and receive a bye
    - The worst division winner will be seeded #3 and face wildcard team seeded #6, Wildcard teams seed #4 vs. seed #5

    Week 16
    - Best division winner #1 seed vs. lower seeded winner from week 14
    - Worst division winner #2 seed vs. higher seeded winner from week 14

    Week 17
    - Fantasy Bowl Championship features the winners from week 15

    Tie-Breakers (Head-to-Head leagues)
    Regular season games that end in a tie count as a tie, making a tie worth ½ win.
    Regular season tie-breakers for playoff seeding:
    1) Best record
    2) Total Points scored for the season
    3) Head-to-Head
    4) Points scored by bench for the season

    Playoff game tiebreakers
    1) Points by bench players (for the week)
    2) Higher seeded team coming into playoffs.

    Victory Points (VP) leagues
    Victory Points (VP) is an alternate method to determine regular season standings.
    Instead of determining standings and playoff seeding by record, Victory Points are used instead.
    The team with the most VP in their division are the division winners.
    The remainder of the playoff teams (wildcards) are determined by the highest amount of VP regardless of division.

    Each week, each team can gain as many as 4 VP.
    2 VP for a win, 1 VP for a tie, 0 VP for a loss.

    You also gain as many as 2 additional VP each week based on point totals for the week:
    In a 12 team league:
    2 VP for the top 4 point totals each week.
    1 VP for the middle 4 point totals each week.
    0 VP for the bottom 4 point totals each week.

    In a 10 team league:
    2 VP for the top 3 point totals each week.
    1 VP for the middle 4 point totals each week.
    0 VP for the bottom 3 point totals each week.

    In a 14 team league:
    2 VP for the top 4 point totals each week.
    1 VP for the middle 6 point totals each week.
    0 VP for the bottom 4 point totals each week.

    Tie-Breakers (Victory Points leagues)
    1) Victory Points
    2) Total Points scored for the season
    3) Best record
    4) Head-to-Head
    5) Points scored by bench for the season

    Each league has 14 regular season games and 3 playoff weeks

    10 teams
      Division 1 (Heads) Division 2 (Tails)
      A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
    Week 1 B1 A4 A5 A2 A3 A1 B4 B5 B2 B3
    Week 2 A3 A5 A1 B3 A2 B2 B1 A4 B5 B4
    Week 3 B5 A3 A2 B4 B1 A5 B3 B2 A4 A1
    Week 4 A4 B2 B3 A1 B4 B5 A2 A3 A5 B1
    Week 5 B3 B5 B1 A5 A4 A3 B4 A1 B2 A2
    Week 6 A3 B1 A1 B2 B3 A2 A4 A5 B5 B4
    Week 7 A5 B3 A4 A3 A1 B4 B5 A2 B1 B2
    Week 8 B2 B4 A5 B5 A3 B3 A1 B1 A2 A4
    Week 9 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 A1 A2 B3 B4 A5
    Week 10 A2 A1 B5 B1 B2 A4 A5 B4 B3 A3
    Week 11 B4 A3 A2 A5 A4 B5 B3 B2 A1 B1
    Week 12 A4 A5 B4 A1 A2 B3 B5 B1 A3 B2
    Week 13 A5 A4 B2 A2 A1 B4 A3 B5 B1 B3
    Week 14 A2 A1 A4 A3 B5 B2 B1 B4 B3 A5
    Week 15 Playoffs (Wildcard Week) Top 2 teams on bye
    Week 16 Playoffs (Final Four)
    Week 17 Fantasy Bowl Championship

    12 teams
      Division 1 (Rock) Division 2 (Paper) Division 3 (Scissors)
      A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4
    Week 1 A2 A1 A4 A3 B2 B1 B4 B3 C2 C1 C4 C3
    Week 2 A3 A4 A1 A2 B3 B4 B1 B2 C3 C4 C1 C2
    Week 3 A4 A3 A2 A1 B4 B3 B2 B1 C4 C3 C2 C1
    Week 4 B4 B1 C4 C1 A2 C3 C2 A1 A4 B3 B2 A3
    Week 5 B2 B3 C2 C3 C4 A1 A2 C1 B4 A3 A4 B1
    Week 6 B3 B4 C3 C4 C1 C2 A1 A2 B1 B2 A3 A4
    Week 7 C4 C3 B4 B3 C2 C1 A4 A3 B2 B1 A2 A1
    Week 8 B1 B2 C1 C2 A1 A2 C3 C4 A3 A4 B3 B4
    Week 9 C2 C1 B2 B4 C3 A3 C4 A4 A2 A1 B1 B3
    Week 10 C3 C4 B1 B2 A3 A4 C1 C2 B3 B4 A1 A2
    Week 11 C1 C2 B3 B1 A4 C4 A3 C3 A1 A2 B4 B2
    Week 12 A4 A3 A2 A1 B4 B3 B2 B1 C4 C3 C2 C1
    Week 13 A2 A1 A4 A3 B2 B1 B4 B3 C2 C1 C4 C3
    Week 14 A3 A4 A1 A2 B3 B4 B1 B2 C3 C4 C1 C2
    Week 15 Playoffs (Wildcard Week) Top 2 teams on bye
    Week 16 Playoffs (Final Four)
    Week 17 Fantasy Bowl Championship

    14 teams
      Division 1 (Rock) Division 2 (Paper) Division 3 (Scissors)
      A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4
    Week 1 A2 A1 A4 A3 B5 B2 B1 B4 B3 A5 C2 C1 C4 C3
    Week 2 B1 A5 B5 B2 A2 A1 A4 C3 C2 A3 C4 B4 B3 C1
    Week 3 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4 B3 B4 B1 B2 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
    Week 4 B3 B2 A5 B1 A3 A4 A2 A1 C4 C2 C3 B5 C1 B4
    Week 5 A5 B1 B2 C1 A1 A2 A3 C2 C3 C4 A4 B3 B4 B5
    Week 6 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4 B3 B2 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1
    Week 7 C2 C3 C4 B3 B4 B5 C1 A4 A5 B1 B2 A1 A2 A3
    Week 8 C3 C4 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 A1 A2
    Week 9 C4 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 A1
    Week 10 C1 C2 C3 C4 B3 B4 B5 A5 B1 B2 A1 A2 A3 A4
    Week 11 B2 B4 B1 A5 A4 A3 A1 C4 A2 C3 C2 C1 B5 B3
    Week 12 A2 A1 A4 A3 B1 A5 C4 B4 B3 C1 B5 C3 C2 B2
    Week 13 A3 A4 A1 A2 B2 C3 A5 B5 C1 B3 B4 C4 B1 C2
    Week 14 A4 A3 A2 A1 C2 B2 B1 C1 B5 B4 B3 A5 C4 C3
    Week 15 Playoffs (Wildcard Week) Top 2 teams on bye
    Week 16 Playoffs (Final Four)
    Week 17 Fantasy Bowl Championship

    Draft Room (Live Draft)
    You will use Fuzzy's customized draft room for your draft.

    Important tips to optimize draftroom performance:
    1.) Move players into your draft list prior to your turn so you are prepared to make your draft pick.

    2.) Ensure your internet connection is strong. If you experience players missing from the player grid, your internet connection may not be optimal. You can still draft but you may not see everything you should.

    3.) Do not let the time run down to under 15 seconds. You have 1:45 minutes to make a pick, have some choices available before it is your turn.

    4.) Enter the draft room when it is close to your draft time. DO NOT have the draft room open for hours or even days prior to the draft!

    Draft Room features & instructions
    1) Player selection - database of all the players worthy of drafting.
    1. Player database - Browse the available players in the player section located on the bottom left-hand side of your screen. Click on the different positions to show the players at each particular position.

    2. Switching views - There are two ways to view the players - FFF rankings and alphabetically. FFF rankings are the default view and although these rankings are quite good, FFF sleepers may be quite different than yours. Switch to alphabetical view to locate players alphabetized by last name.

    3. Drafting a player - To make a draft selection, double-click a player to populate your Draft List (2nd box from bottom left-hand side). Once a player is in your Draft List, you may double-click again to put the player in your selection box or use the >> arrows to move the player. You may select players when it is not your turn to populate your Draft List. (see below)

    4. Populating roster - Your roster is located in the middle-right of the screen and will include the players bye weeks and where you selected the player.

    5. Player Grid - This takes up the entire upper-part of the Draftroom and shows all players being selected by all owners color-coded by positions. This make the draft easy to follow.

    6. Technical issues - FFF takes all measures to ensure the draft room works flawlessly as our members know! Have players in your draft list ready to go as FFF cannot take responsiblity beyond our control.

    2) Draft List - use this to speed up the draft and organize a list for yourself before your turn to draft. You may also prerank players prior to your draft and the software will save your list even if you close your browser.
    1. You may select players before your turn to fill your Draft List located on the bottom middle left side of screen.

    2. To have your "Draft List" chosen for you, computer control must be checked. Computer control is automatically enabled when you are not in the Draftroom or you choose to check the box yourself. The software will select the player that is at the top of the list when it is your turn. Please remember to uncheck computer control when you are finished using your Draft List.

      New for 2017 - you can build your entire draftlist in a tool located on your member homepage using the "Your Player Rankings" tool. You are strongly encouraged to use this tool!


    3. You may move the players up and down your Draft List by using the blue arrows.

    3) Computer Control - you will have full control of this feature when you are in the draft room. If you arrive a few minutes late, you are automatically taken off computer control.

    If you miss a pick while the draft room browser is open. The computer will pick for you and computer control will remain on until you uncheck the box.

    The software uses FFF up-to-date rankings. These are legitimate rankings updated often to ensure that the computer will draft players that should be taken at that particular point in the draft. The computer will pick the best available player and will still fulfill all the roster requirements. FFF has the most ingenious computer picks in fantasy football! If for any reason you miss part or even all of your draft, you will still be a contender! 4) Chat - Place your cursor in the bottom right box to type a comment and hit Enter on keyboard or Send to enter your text.

    5) Public Leagues will use a 1:45 minute timer and Public Mock Drafts will use a 1 minute timer.

    6) Draft positions are random and will be known after a team has signed up for a league or a mock draft. Teams can swap entire draft positions from the individual league or mock draft homepage.

    7) Drafts are serpentine style drafts. The earlier you pick in odd rounds, the later you pick in the even rounds and vice versa.

    8) Note: Two people cannot be in the draftroom at the same time (same or different location) with the same logon. You can draft in more than one draft if needed as long as you are using separate windows.

    9) Have Fun!

    E-mail Draft (Slow Draft)
    A slow draft is a great alternative to a live draft!
    Slow drafts use an 8 hour time limit.
    An e-mail is sent at the start of the draft and when it is your turn notifying you when it is your turn.
    You may predraft players for each round at any time before your selection.
    If you miss a turn, the computer selects for you. If you have a player in your draft list, it will choose the top player in your draft list.
    You will remain on computer control if you miss a turn. You can still build your draft list throughout the draft.

    FFF uses an internal message system for registered users to communicate with each other while keeping their e-mail address private. The message system is a good way to start some trade talks with other league members or for any other reason you may want to e-mail another member.

    To send a message, click the messages link on the left-hand side menu bar. Send a message by using the member's username. When a message is sent, the person to receive the message will receive an e-mail letting them know that there is a message waiting for them at the site. A received message is also indicated with a number next to the messages link informing a user the amount of unread messages.

    Weekly Fantasy Football Redraft Leagues

    Weekly Redraft leagues are ONE WEEK LEAGUES.
    You will use the FFF Live Draft Room to select 12 Players for the week in a Snake Format draft.
    Start 10 players: QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, TE, Flex, K, D.
    You will draft 2 "extra" players which gives you the opportunity to draft a questionable player!
    Thursday night players are not eligible for these leagues.
    Only eligible players are listed in the draft room - Bye Week players and Thursday players are removed from the Draft List.
    You will submit a lineup using 10 of your 12 drafted players.
    Winners are based on total points for the week using FFF PPR Scoring format.
    1/4 of teams are paid so 3 places are paid for 12 team leagues.
    These leagues will run with a minimum of 4 teams! Payouts will be adjusted accordingly if fewer than 12 teams using the same percentage of payouts!
    10 - 12 teams --> 3 highest scoring teams receive payouts!
    6 - 9 teams --> 2 highest scoring teams receive payouts!
    4 - 5 teams --> highest scoring team receive payout!

    All payouts are deposited in your FFF account and paid out at the end of the fantasy season.
    You will also have the option to use these funds towards playoff leagues or keep them in your FFF Account until the following season to receive a 5% bonus.

    Weekly Redraft League Payouts
    Weekly Redraft Leagues $25 Leagues
    12 teams
    $50 Leagues
    12 teams
    $75 Leagues
    12 teams
    1st place $120 $250 $400
    2nd place $60 $150 $250
    3rd place $30 $80 $100

    Playoff Fantasy Football
    2 ways to play - Pick Your Weekly Studs or Draft Your Playoff Team (Snake or Auction Draft).

    Fantasy Football through to the Super Bowl!
    One entry fee will have you playing fantasy football each week through the NFL playoffs

    Pick Your Weekly Studs Rules:
    Each playoff week (4 in all - 1st Wildcard Weekend, 2nd Divisional Playoff, 3rd AFC & NFC Championships, 4th Superbowl) you will submit a new lineup.
    You may choose any players you want so other entries may start the same players as you.
    A starting lineup will consist of 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 D. There will also be one Tiebreak player chosen each week from any position.
    The object is to score the most points combined in the four playoff weeks. Scores will accumulate throughout the playoffs.
    The Tiebreak player is used only to break a tie between multiple teams scoring the same amount of points with the starting lineups after the entire playoff series.
    If there is still a tie then payouts will be split among the teams tied for those places.
    Deadlines for lineup submissions for all players will be 5 minutes before the first playoff game begins each week.
    You may edit your lineup up until deadline submission.
    The same scoring for players will be used as the regular season and DOES include Point Per Reception.
    All lineups will be viewable once lineup submissions are locked for the week.
    Each league may have up to 50 entries.
    If less than 50 entries, payouts will be prorated.
    You may have multiple entries per league.
    20% of all entries will receive prizes.
    If the maximum number of entries (50) are entered then 10 teams will receive payouts.
    $25, $50, $75 & $150 leagues are available.
    Following prizes are based on 50 entries per league:

    Pick Your Weekly Studs Playoff Leagues Payouts $25 Leagues $50 Leagues $75 Leagues $150 Leagues
    Payout Percentage 70% 80% over 85% 90%
    1st place $325 $775 $1250 $3000
    2nd place $150 $375 $600 $1325
    3rd place $100 $250 $400 $725
    4th place $75 $150 $230 $400
    5th place $50 $100 $175 $300
    6th place $45 $90 $145 $250
    7th place $40 $80 $125 $225
    8th place $35 $70 $105 $200
    9th place $30 $60 $90 $175
    10th place $25 $50 $75 $150

    FFF will attempt to fill each playoff league to the maximum entries of 50.
    Keep in mind, if there are less than 50 entries per league, fewer spots will be paid and the payouts will be less but you will have a greater chance at winning a bigger payout with less entries.
    Ex. if there are 35 entries in instead of 50, then 7 entries will receive payouts and each payout remaining from 1st through 7th will receive a slightly reduced payout. You will, however have a better chance at finishing in the top 7 with 35 entries than with 50 entries.

    Draft Your Playoff Team Rules:

    League entry fee options are $29, $59, $99, $199 and $499.
    It will be a one-time charge for the entire playoff season.
    The FFF Live Draft room will be used to draft your playoff team.
    ALL Drafts are listed in Eastern Standard Time (EST).
    You will draft 9 players to field the same lineup for each of the 4 playoff weeks.
    Your lineup will consist of 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 D.
    You will only be able to draft the exact positions listed above. You will only be able to select 1 QB, 2 RB and so on...
    All players from the 14 NFL playoff teams will be eligible to draft.
    The 9 round draft is a serpentine draft and should take about 45 minutes to an hour to complete.
    Draft order is completely random. The 1st person to join has the same chance as the last person to join to obtain the same draft position.
    The object is to score the most combined points in the four playoff weeks. Points will accumulate throughout the playoffs.
    League Champions, 2nd and 3rd place (except $29 leagues where only the Champions and 2nd place) receive payouts and are determined by total points for all playoff weeks combined.
    Since some teams don't play each week, some of your players will not receive points on certain weeks.
    Scoring is based on FFF regular season ppr (point per reception) leagues.
    Draft position is determined randomly and is revealed when you join the league.
    Drafts will be held with 5 or more teams.
    Payouts will remain same percentage and pay out same number of places except for $59 and higher leagues will pay 2 places instead of 3 if league has 5-7 teams.

    - AUCTION Playoff Drafts:
    - You have a $100 budget to build your roster of 9 players.
    - Each team will take turns to nominate players.
    - Once a player is nominated, every team has an equal chance of bidding for the player.
    - A player will go up to bid for the default setting of $1. You can change the amount of the nomination when it is your turn to nominate.
    - You have 25 seconds to nominate a player.
    - The clock resets to 25 seconds to start bidding on the player.
    - Bids are in increments of $1 or greater. You can type in a higher bid if you choose.
    - Once the clock has fewer than 10 seconds and a bid is made it resets to 10 seconds.
    - Once the clock reaches zero, the last bidder (which is the highest bid) receives the player.
    - Max Bid is the most you can bid on a current player up for bid.

    $29 Leagues
    $29 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams
    1st place $125 $150
    2nd place $55 $65
    $59 Leagues
    $59 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams
    1st place $275 $325
    2nd place $120 $145
    3rd place $55 $70
    $99 Leagues
    $99 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams
    1st place $500 $600
    2nd place $200 $240
    3rd place $100 $120
    $199 Leagues
    $199 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams
    1st place $1050 $1250
    2nd place $425 $525
    3rd place $215 $255
    $499 Leagues
    $499 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams
    1st place $2650 $3150
    2nd place $1240 $1500
    3rd place $600 $740
    $999 Leagues
    $999 Leagues 10 teams 12 teams
    1st place $5500 $6500
    2nd place $2550 $3200
    3rd place $1250 $1460
    Legal Disclaimers:

    All participants agree to abide by the terms of these Official Rules and the Legal Disclaimers below, and by the decisions of FuzzysFantasyFootball.com, which are final and binding on all matters pertaining to the Fantasy Football Leagues.

    You hereby represent and warrant that you are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations and warranties set forth in these terms and to abide by and comply with these terms.

    Minors under the age of eighteen may not join FuzzysFantasyFootball.com Leagues.

    You are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.

    You will abide at all times by these Terms of Use and any other agreements between you and FuzzysFantasyFootball.com regarding your use of the Service or participation in leagues.

    The Leagues are open to individuals who have reached legal age in their respective jurisdiction, and at the time of payment you are physically located in the United States or Canada in a jurisdiction in which participation in the contest is not prohibited by applicable law; void where prohibited by law. FuzzysFantasyFootball.com Leagues, at its discretion, may deny eligibility of any individual to participate in the event. Under no condition shall the FuzzysFantasyFootball.com be held responsible for any loss or liability related to any expenses incurred by a denied entrant or anybody else affiliated with that denied entrant.

    Games of Skill:
    FuzzysFantasyFootball.com is provided as a service for the use, entertainment and enjoyment of its users, subscribers, participants and visitors. FuzzysFantasyFootball.com is in no way encouraging or endorsing gambling, wagering or betting of any kind, whether legal or illegal. All FuzzysFantasyFootball.com Leagues that award prizes are sports simulation games ("fantasy games") where the outcome of the game is based on the skill of the participants. By agreeing to the Policies contained herein, any and all users, members, subscribers and participants agree to hold FuzzysFantasyFootball.com harmless for any action taken against them, whether legal or otherwise, for, or as a result of, gambling, wagering or betting of any kind. All game fees charged are based on supplying our participants with the true look and feel of owning their very own sports team. All games are strictly considered games of skill. FuzzysFantasyFootball.com rewards the players most skilled in compiling and managing a team. In our games, if you have the skills and knowledge necessary to manage your fantasy football team to a prize winning finish, we will happily reward your time, efforts, and hard work, with your hard-earned prize.

    General Conditions

    By entering, each entrant accepts and agrees to be bound by the se rules and by the decisions of FuzzysFantasyFootball.com, which shall be final and binding in all respects. Further, each entrant also acknowledges and agrees to the rules set forth throughout this Rules Page. Taxes, if any, are the sole responsibility of the prize winners. No substitution or transfer of prizes permitted except by FuzzysFantasyFootball.com. FuzzysFantasyFootball.com reserves the right to substitute a prize for one of equal or greater value in the event that an advertised prize is unavailable.

    Entrants agree to Commissioner's use of their names and likeness for advertising and publicity purposes, without additional compensation, unless prohibited by law.

    All federal, state, local, and provincial laws and regulations apply. FuzzysFantasyFootball.com is not responsible for lost, late or misdirected on-line entries or transactions, for incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete entry information whether caused by a contestant, equipment, or technical malfunction or for any human error, technical error or malfunctions. FuzzysFantasyFootball.com reserves the right to halt or modify the Leagues at any time during the seasonal pla if events beyond their control compromise the Contest's fairness or integrity. In the event that a scheduled football game is canceled or preempted for any reason, no points will be awarded for that week for players on the effected NFL teams.

    FuzzysFantasyFootball.com is not responsible for typographical or other human or technical errors in the offer or administration of these Leagues, including but not limited to errors in advertising, the Official Rules, the selection and announcement of the Prize Winner(s) or the distribution of a Prize(s). FuzzysFantasyFootball.com, in its sole discretion, may disqualify any entrant from participating in the Leagues, refuse to award Prize(s), and require the return of a Prize(s), if entrant engages in any conduct FuzzysFantasyFootball.com deems to be improper, unfair or otherwise adverse to the operation of the Contest or detrimental to other entrants. Such improper conduct includes, but is not limited to, falsifying personal information required during League registration or prize claim(s), violating any term or condition stated herein, accumulating poin ts or prizes through methods such as automated computer scripts or other programming techniques, allowing others to use the entrant's personal information for the purpose of accumulating points or Prize(s), tampering with FuzzysFantasyFootball.com's adm inistration of this promotion, or intentionally trying to defraud, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile or otherwise tamper with the computer programs on this Web site. Entrant further acknowledges that the forfeiture of any Prize(s) and/or return of t he Prize(s) shall in no way prevent FuzzysFantasyFootball.com from pursuing other avenues of recourse such as criminal or civil proceedings in connection with such conduct.

    FuzzysFantasyFootball.com reserves the right to modify these rules for clarification purposes without materially affecting the terms and conditions of the Leagues. These leagues are not affiliated with or endorsed by NFL or any NFL team. This is a skill designed to increase consumer awareness of and interest in the FuzzysFantasyFootball.com Service.

    These Leagues may not be used for any form of gambling.

    If for any reason the Internet portion of the program is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of FuzzysFantasyFootball.com which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this Contest, FuzzysFantasyFootball.com reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process, and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest. In such event, FuzzysFantasyFootball.com further reserves the right to award Prize(s) to the eligible players with the most points as of the termination date.

    FuzzysFantasyFootball.com assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries or transactions. FuzzysFantasyFootball.com is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail entry or transaction to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any Web site, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to participant's or any o ther person's computer related to or resulting from participation or downloading any material.

    Lost or Corrupted Entries
    The League Entities, and their parents, affiliated and subsidiary companies and advertising and promotion agencies, assume no liability and are not responsible for, and you hereby forever waive any rights to any claim in connection with, lost, late, incomplete, corrupted, stolen, misdirected, illegible or postage due entries or mail if applicable; or for any computer, telephone, cable, network, satellite, electronic or Internet hardware or software malfunctions, unauthorized human intervention, or the incorrect or inaccurate capture of entry or other information, or the failure to capture any such information. The Entities, and their parents, affiliated and subsidiary companies, advertising and promotion agencies, are not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by registration information submitted by end users or tampering, hacking, or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in these Leagues, and assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to FuzzysFantasyFootball.com.

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    In the event of a dispute, entries made by Internet will be declared made by the authorized account holder of the e-mail address submitted at time of entry. "Authorized account holder" is defined as the natu ral person who is assigned to an e-mail address by an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization (e.g., business, educational institution, etc.) that is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses for the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address.

    In the event that the FuzzysFantasyFootball.com Leagues is challenged by any legal or regulatory authority, FuzzysFantasyFootball.com reserves the right to discontinue or modify the Leagues, or to disqualify participants residing in the affected geographic areas. In such event, FuzzysFantasyFootball.com shall have no liability to any participants who are disqualified due to such an action.

    Prize Winner(s) and Prize(s)
    The League Entities, and their parents, affiliated and subsidiary companies and advertising and promotion agencies, assume no liability and are not responsible for, and you hereby forever waive any rights to any claim in connection with, the selection and announcement of a Prize Winner, the distribution of a Prize, the acceptance/possession and/or use/misuse of any part of a Prize and/or any injury or damage to any entrant's or third person's property related to or resulting from any part of a Prize or any part of FuzzysFantasyFootball.com.

    Release and Indemnity
    Each entrant in the FuzzysFantasyFootball.com Leagues, including, without limitation, the Prize Winners, hereby releases and agrees to hold harmless the League Entities and their parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies and their respective directors, officers, employees, representatives and agents from any and all liability for any injuries, loss or damage of any kind to person, including death, and property, arising in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from acceptance, possession, use or misuse of a Prize, participation in these Leagues and participation in any activity related to these Leagues.

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